Belgias Klassikaliste LR-ide kokkutulek

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Postitusi: 10327
Liitunud: R Juul 01, 2005 17:31
Asukoht: Tallinn

Belgias Klassikaliste LR-ide kokkutulek

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Kellel huvi, siis 16.-20- 08n 2023 Belgias, Opheersis.
Eelkõige on oodatud Series autod, aga ka RR Classiku ja vanema Defenderiga pidavat jutule võetama.
Belgia-2023.jpg (405.92 KiB) Vaadatud 2525 korda
MTÜ Eesti Land Roveri Klubi
SERIES II A 109"( '70 )-"Tindiplekk" / LR90 ( '88 )- "Inetu Pardipoeg" + palju unistusi
Kristjan Vaarmann (+372)5010599
Land Rover'iga nakatatud ja mudas müttamas aastast 1996!
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Postitusi: 10327
Liitunud: R Juul 01, 2005 17:31
Asukoht: Tallinn

Re: Belgias Klassikaliste LR-ide kokkutulek

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Hello everybody,

WEDNESDAY: arrival of participants during the day, installation on site, possibility to play some ’swivel bouls’, meeting people/making new friends, getting under bonnets, simply relax after 100’s of miles, ... In the evening welcome drink and we provide soup(probably tomato(as always… ;-)). Bonfire & beertent.

THURSDAY: breakfast(bread, butter, cheese, ham, jam, choco paste, coffee, tea,…). You can do whatever you like; chill on campground, visit stuff(museum, mine, cave, brewery, old town,…) in the region(I can advice), go out for some laning (I'm sure there will be people up for this and have something in mind(and in their satnav by now…)…),… Personally I was thinking bout going to the village of Kanne along river Meuse or visit the Paix Dieu monastery/brewery. Still time to think I guess. In the evening there’s the ‘buffet of local specialities’. You simply bring some tasty food of you’re own region; local cheeses, meat, fish, biscuits, pie, soup, sausages, ‘quiche',… so everybody can have 'a taste of different parts of Europe’. Google a bit if you don’t have much inspiration; I’m sure there must be in any region some fine specialities. In the evening bonfire & beertent.

FRIDAY: breakfast, ‘Friday activity’; Gunter(Casaprima, yellow 109 SIII SW) and his sister Barbara will organise this. Lunch you’ll have to make while/after having breakfast; we provide bread, butter, cheese, ham, jam, … Drinks you’ll have to provide yourselves.
Gunter will sent an email few wks before the meeting. In the evening we serve a typical Belgian dish, bonfire & beertent.

SATURDAY: continental breakfast, round 9h30-10h30 start of some greenlaning tours and Jef, Pieter, Wannes, ... and myself(or any other person who is up for this of course! Please sent me an email if you’re interested or have a roadbook(as we call it)somewhere) will lead a small(6-7 Series max.) group. Lunch in a so called ‘frituur’(chips and all sorts of meat at very democratic prices) which is so typical for our country.. In the evening there’s a large BBQ (fish,meat, vegetables & dessert) and of course an XXL bonfire & beertent.

SUNDAY: full English breakfast, trophees (if anyone has suggestions I’ll be happy to make one extra of course! ‘longest ownership' we’ve already had...), more greenlaning for those who want, ‘swivel bouls’, ham(& cheese)-burgers round 14h00 and saying goodbye. You can stay an extra night of course!

So for all those who want to relax for 4-5 days and enjoy a lot of nice food, beers/drinks, greenlaning, activities, bonfires(I have an enormous pile after last year drought(no bonfires)…),… in a very relaxed, quiet international, atmosphere; you know where to drive late August...


MTÜ Eesti Land Roveri Klubi
SERIES II A 109"( '70 )-"Tindiplekk" / LR90 ( '88 )- "Inetu Pardipoeg" + palju unistusi
Kristjan Vaarmann (+372)5010599
Land Rover'iga nakatatud ja mudas müttamas aastast 1996!
Kasutaja avatar
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Site Admin
Postitusi: 10327
Liitunud: R Juul 01, 2005 17:31
Asukoht: Tallinn

Re: Belgias Klassikaliste LR-ide kokkutulek

Postitus Postitas landy »

Price all in Series & driver: camping, organisation & all food:

Wed. evening/night welcome drink & tomato soup.
Th. breakfast & in the evening ‘Belgian speciality’ & welcome drink.
Fri. breakfast & pick nick as lunch, in the evening ‘buffet of local specialities’.
Sat. ‘continental breakfast’ & in the evening large BBQ.
Sun. ‘luxury breakfast’ & ham-/cheeseburgers as lunch. € 95,00

Additional adult (so as a couple € 160,00) € 65,00
Children -12 years old € 0,00
MTÜ Eesti Land Roveri Klubi
SERIES II A 109"( '70 )-"Tindiplekk" / LR90 ( '88 )- "Inetu Pardipoeg" + palju unistusi
Kristjan Vaarmann (+372)5010599
Land Rover'iga nakatatud ja mudas müttamas aastast 1996!