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Swedish Estonia expedition May 2011

Postitatud: T Apr 26, 2011 13:25
Postitas landy
I am a member of the Swedish Land Rover club (SLRK) and we are a group from a club called O.A.S (Offroad Adventure Society) that will visit Estonia during May 12-14 (Thursday morning-Saturday afternoon).
As of now we are 4 offroad/expedition cars that plan to go on a (preliminary) route from Tallinn-Paldiski-Haapsalau-Pärnu-Tallinn along small roads and stop for over-night camping along the route. It is not any heavy offroading but more exploring of small roads we plan to do with hopefully some adventures, along with site seeing of any interresting places.

If there are any of the Estonian LR club or any other 4x4 friends that wants to join you are very welcome. (Our expedition is not a specific LR event but a mix of all brands of 4x4. We are 2 Range Rovers and 2 Toyotas so far planned.)

Best regards,
Ronny Staberg
Phone: +46 240 782798
Mobile: +46 70 268 08 96
email: ronny.staberg@se.abb.com

Postitatud: N Apr 28, 2011 13:10
Postitas landy
If you want to join.
We will arrive Tallinn Thursday morning 12/5 at 10:00 with the Tallink ferry from Stockholm. We have booked the return ferry with Tallink on Saturday 14/5 which leaves Tallinn at 18:00.
The group is mostly interrested of som exploring of really small roads but not too heavy offroading as we do not want to risk to damage the cars due to the long trip back home. The cars are a mix of standard and some modified. We have as mentioned a preliminary plan to go Tallinn-Paldiski-Haapsalau-Pärnu-Tallinn on small roads preferrably along the coast, so if you know some good and exciting roads along that route then it would be great. If you know some good camping sites for the over-night stay it would be great too.

This is a video from last years expedition http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbKc6GnHzoA but last year was a much bigger group, this year we are only 4-5 cars.
All of our cars are equipped with 27MHz radios so we keep good communication along the trip.

Postitatud: E Mai 02, 2011 09:49
Postitas landy
Kas meie hulgas on kedagi, kes sooviks ja saaks nendega kaasa kruiisida?

Postitatud: E Mai 02, 2011 11:29
Postitas duud
oleks auto 100% korras siis kindlasti hängiks kaasa..... :roll:

Postitatud: E Mai 02, 2011 12:26
Postitas inseneer
duud kirjutas:oleks auto 100% korras siis kindlasti hängiks kaasa..... :roll:
Ländrover pole kunagi 100% korras, alati leidub millegi kallal nokitsemist :wink:

Postitatud: E Mai 02, 2011 19:04
Postitas landy
The preliminary plan is:
- Thursday: Tallinn-Paldiski-Haapsalu , all via small roads, or very small roads, that i have found on the map. Then we plan to stay overnight at a camping site in Haapsalu.
- Friday: Haapsalu-Pärnu-Tootsi, also this along small roads. Stay overnight somewhere around Tootsi area at some camping place.
- Saturday: Tootsi-Juru-Saku-Tallinn, also this along small roads.

If you know some exciting roads and routes you are very welcome to let us know. Also if you have any good ideas of interresting places to visit.
I have started checking on some routes and I am using an internet program called T.Y.R.E that creates routes as GPX-files for Garmin or Itn-files for TomTom that I can download to my GPS (TomTom). I am also using another GPS program for my Samsung Galaxy Tab installed in my car and it can handle to install maps, but I am not sure if the OziExplorer maps will work. If you have the trails and routes as a GPX-file from your Garmin then you could just send me that/those files and I can then import it/them to my GPS-program.
Otherwise if you just a have a picture of a map with the trail that you could send me then I can create the GPX-file myself.

Maybe you or some of the Estonian LR club would like to meet up with us on Friday evening or Saturday morning in the Pärnu/Tootsi area and then you could show us some nice and interresting roads back towards Tallinn?

Postitatud: K Mai 11, 2011 20:04
Postitas landy
Homme härrased kohal! Kas keegi liitub nendega?

Postitatud: R Mai 13, 2011 07:48
Postitas landy
Võtsin eile külalised sadamas vastu ning kinksin klubi poolt Eesti autolipu ja Tallinn-Paldiski- Haapsalu- Pärnu trassi, kaardile kantuna.
Peagi ka pildidd.

Postitatud: L Mai 14, 2011 15:23
Postitas landy