Series II around the baltic sea

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Kasutaja avatar
Series II
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Liitunud: R Mär 06, 2020 20:37

Series II around the baltic sea

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Series II around the baltic sea
Where to go and what to see....

If this post is un apropiat please remove, my excuse in advanced.

Hello, I’m planning for this august / september a trip around the Baltic sea.

I start 40 km north from Amsterdam the Netherlands and planning to travel tru county’s like Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Sweden, Denmark.....
We will be doing this with our Series II

The question is: do you know places that we can visite, we travel low budget and like nature and try to avoid big city’s.
We love thing like wildlife, woodwork, sadel, knive makers , jewelry, taxidermy, old machines, gems, fossils, music instruments, survival ... Old cars....
Are the club activities we should know of?

The best language to communicate with us are Dutch, English and German.

Thank you
Kasutaja avatar
MT-rehvid ja muda!
Postitusi: 148
Liitunud: N Sept 25, 2014 10:16
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Re: Series II around the baltic sea

Postitus Postitas Erik256 »

Welcome to the forum!

If you like nature and hiking then it would be a good idea to take advantage of the State Forest Management Centre's (RMK in Estonian) mobile app. You can download it from here Basically, the RMK manages campsites, trails and cabins around whole Estonia, which are free to use for anyone. The app shows which trails and nature sights are around you and how to get there.

There is a YouTube video made by fellow overlander's, who praise the app and camping possibilities’ in Estonia Areas to consider would be Eastern Estonia, the islands and obviously the old town in the capital, Tallinn.

Our club has a summer drive event planned on the 15-16th of august, but the exact route or area is not certain yet. I’ll be posting info about that in the English section of this forum as well, when the plans become clearer.
2007 Defender 110 TDCi
2002 Discovery 2A Td5 aut (müüdud).
Kasutaja avatar
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Liitunud: R Juul 01, 2005 17:31
Asukoht: Tallinn

Re: Series II around the baltic sea

Postitus Postitas landy »

Hi, Rob!

Welcome to Estonia! We are happy to host you !
We have had number of guests with old Series Land Rovers through the years and we are interested into see next one.

The tour route is very moderate and made suitable for stock Land Rovers without any off-road extras.

About club events.

Our derive outs are mostly on small unpaved and forest/ground roads with some light off-road elements (depending on weather).
So nothing to afraid.
Here are some videos about our club previous events:
And pictures sorted by years and events:
I think it is now fair time window for you to be sure of your ravel plans.

Last year we had great opportunity to host overlanders from Germany on our Summer event.

Some brightest moments from event:

Some pictures too from that two day event: ... retk19.htm

Driving with your 4x4 here, In Estonia.

Here, in Estonia you can still drive off-road quite freely compared to most European countries. We have very few restrictions, so you can enjoy our wild and beautiful nature combined with hard off-road.

There are two type of laws in Estionia that guide off-roading - written and unwritten. If you take word-by-word the written law then the off-oaad is
very restricted and impossible, but we off-roaders and Land Rover owners (here in Estonia) guide ourselves by unwritten laws. If there are no signs
that say "driving is prohibited", then it is allowed (on roads an and tracks.)
If you do not go to wild nature to make your own tracks there will be no problems even driving on unmarked private roads/lands.
You have to remember few Estonian signs:
1) Private road - Mostly like this: ... 4ec11a.png
ERATEE - private road
311 - private road, no driving without owner agreement
311c - also guest allowed
311d -( mostly bad roads) you can drive at your own risk (there you can drive with your 4x4)

2)ERAMAA or ERAVALDUS - mean private land and private poperty, but the road on that land cab be also open for public use.
Even on private land there are granted public access ( everyone's right) to marine or lakes coastline by foot or bike.

If you see that sign on the road that you are driving an it is leading to place you like to go on your 4x4, just ask from land owner- They are mostly
kindly give permission ( to foreigners) to drive through that sign.

Technical support.
Should your car break down or anything else happen to it, don’t worry. Call us, we can help you find a garage and find the spare parts needed (new or used ones). We have good connections with all major Land Rover specialists in Estonia.

member of the club board
MTÜ Eesti Land Roveri Klubi
SERIES II A 109"( '70 )-"Tindiplekk" / LR90 ( '88 )- "Inetu Pardipoeg" + palju unistusi
Kristjan Vaarmann (+372)5010599
Land Rover'iga nakatatud ja mudas müttamas aastast 1996!
Kasutaja avatar
Series II
Rääkige mulle LR-ist!
Postitusi: 6
Liitunud: R Mär 06, 2020 20:37

Re: Series II around the baltic sea

Postitus Postitas Series II »

Thank you for sharing all these information, this really helps us for planning the trip.
Today is a good rainy day to explore your links and highlights. Finding out what we would and could do or see is our pre-vacation fun.

I will download the app, we love to walk and enjoy the nature.
Also the help about the “grean code” and the (road) signs are great.

I am not sure that we can make it on time for the club event, it would be nice to attend.

If something pops-up please let me know.

Thank you for your help.

Kasutaja avatar
Series II
Rääkige mulle LR-ist!
Postitusi: 6
Liitunud: R Mär 06, 2020 20:37

Re: Series II around the baltic sea

Postitus Postitas Series II »

Since Tuesday we can go restricted outside.

We went on a little trip and I turned it into a 54 seconds trailer.

No “close down” laws were broken, we obeyed the grean code!

Hope this will make you smile in this strange time.

Keep save :D
Kasutaja avatar
Series II
Rääkige mulle LR-ist!
Postitusi: 6
Liitunud: R Mär 06, 2020 20:37

Re: Series II around the baltic sea

Postitus Postitas Series II »


We decided to postpone the trip for now.
That gives us more time to prepare us for next spring, hopefully in may 2021 is everything back to normal.

That gives us some extra time to find more info for Finland, Poland, Lithuania and Latvia. Especially about h the last two country’s I find it hard to find the right sites and forum(s) for info in English, Dutch or German.

Any advice is welcome. :wink:

Best regards and stay healthy,

Kasutaja avatar
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Liitunud: R Juul 01, 2005 17:31
Asukoht: Tallinn

Re: Series II around the baltic sea

Postitus Postitas landy »

Series II kirjutas: T Aug 04, 2020 19:55 Hi,

We decided to postpone the trip for now.
That gives us more time to prepare us for next spring, hopefully in may 2021 is everything back to normal.

That gives us some extra time to find more info for Finland, Poland, Lithuania and Latvia. Especially about h the last two country’s I find it hard to find the right sites and forum(s) for info in English, Dutch or German.

Any advice is welcome. :wink:

Best regards and stay healthy,

If the Latvia of Finland are problem, we can give helping hand as well. There are people among us who can suggest routs or sightseeing there and answer to basic questions.
MTÜ Eesti Land Roveri Klubi
SERIES II A 109"( '70 )-"Tindiplekk" / LR90 ( '88 )- "Inetu Pardipoeg" + palju unistusi
Kristjan Vaarmann (+372)5010599
Land Rover'iga nakatatud ja mudas müttamas aastast 1996!
Kasutaja avatar
Series II
Rääkige mulle LR-ist!
Postitusi: 6
Liitunud: R Mär 06, 2020 20:37

Re: Series II around the baltic sea

Postitus Postitas Series II »


It is still our goal to do this trip, hopefully it will be possible to go this autumn.

So if you happen to think “ that would be nice to see “ please do not hesitate to let me know.

On this moment we have one week with ice and snow, this is what we have once every 10 - 20 years.

Just a little impression of the solo trip we make last weekend.
We life 500 meters from the Northsea behind a “sea-dijk” so there is always wind that blows the little snow away.
(About 40 km north of Amsterdam)
8) 2,5 minute impression :roll:

So let me know if you have info for Finland, Poland, Lithuania and Latvia.

Also a PM (personal massage) is welcome. (Other languages are also welcome, do not hesitate to contact me)

Cheers Rob
Kasutaja avatar
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Postitusi: 10418
Liitunud: R Juul 01, 2005 17:31
Asukoht: Tallinn

Re: Series II around the baltic sea

Postitus Postitas landy »


On August 20 of this year, the club, in cooperation with its partners, will organize the "Dignified Land Rover Race", which is intended only for Series Land Rovers.
You are welcome there!
Series II kirjutas: L Veebr 13, 2021 11:55 Hello,

It is still our goal to do this trip, hopefully it will be possible to go this autumn.

So if you happen to think “ that would be nice to see “ please do not hesitate to let me know.

On this moment we have one week with ice and snow, this is what we have once every 10 - 20 years.

Just a little impression of the solo trip we make last weekend.
We life 500 meters from the Northsea behind a “sea-dijk” so there is always wind that blows the little snow away.
(About 40 km north of Amsterdam)
8) 2,5 minute impression :roll:

So let me know if you have info for Finland, Poland, Lithuania and Latvia.

Also a PM (personal massage) is welcome. (Other languages are also welcome, do not hesitate to contact me)

Cheers Rob
MTÜ Eesti Land Roveri Klubi
SERIES II A 109"( '70 )-"Tindiplekk" / LR90 ( '88 )- "Inetu Pardipoeg" + palju unistusi
Kristjan Vaarmann (+372)5010599
Land Rover'iga nakatatud ja mudas müttamas aastast 1996!
Kasutaja avatar
Series II
Rääkige mulle LR-ist!
Postitusi: 6
Liitunud: R Mär 06, 2020 20:37

Re: Series II around the baltic sea

Postitus Postitas Series II »


Is has been a while but we started our journey last week on the 26 of augustus and where driving while towing a little caravan thru Germany, Denmark to Sweden. Right now we are taking a little break in Lulea, tomorrow we are probably crossing the Finnish border.

So the trip has started, the shortest route should be 6000 km (highway) but we are taking a lot of byway’s so it is a lot of driving.

Hopefully we make it within a few weeks to Estiona……

So any tips like car-museums, strange nature to visite.. Local food we should try :D etc…..
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Kasutaja avatar
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Postitusi: 10418
Liitunud: R Juul 01, 2005 17:31
Asukoht: Tallinn

Re: Series II around the baltic sea

Postitus Postitas landy »

Hello from Estonian Land Rover Club management. We can suggest many paces to visit.
Teke contact: or +3725010599
MTÜ Eesti Land Roveri Klubi
SERIES II A 109"( '70 )-"Tindiplekk" / LR90 ( '88 )- "Inetu Pardipoeg" + palju unistusi
Kristjan Vaarmann (+372)5010599
Land Rover'iga nakatatud ja mudas müttamas aastast 1996!